Robert R. Lowther, President & CEO


“An unsatisfied client is not an option when success is the intent.” ​

Experience and Background

Robert R. Lowther is President and CEO of The Denali Group. Mr. Lowther has a strong background specializing in the construction and project management of dental offices (as well as medical and veterinary offices). He has specialized in this professional area for the last 17+ years.
Mr. Lowther has been in executive level construction management for the majority of his career. As a Senior Network Manager with MCI/WorldCom, Robert was responsible for identifying locations, negotiating terms, managing the design and construction of Point of Presence Centers, Central Offices and other company office space in 17 countries. Following this experience, he took his construction expertise and, for the last 16 years, has focused on dental design and construction, both as head of field services with a commercial builder/general contractor and with his own prior company.
In his years of experience, Mr. Lowther realized that dentists were being taken advantage of at just about every turn of the process of relocating or starting a new practice. So he helped form The Denali Group to leverage his experience, expertise and passions to the benefit of its clients. Saving money, reducing schedules, and eliminating stress are big motivators for Robert. Often called the “miracle worker” by past clients and employers, Robert is adept at overcoming challenges and finding “out of the box” solutions that both resolve issues and keep a project’s budget and schedule intact! His ability to maintain a high level viewpoint of a project, while also focusing on its day-to-day detail-oriented solutions allows Denali’s clients to rest easy that their projects are being managed professionally and with their best interest in mind.
Robert enjoys spending his time off with his two dogs (and formerly his horse), and doing house projects. He also enjoys being involved in his community and helping people exceed their own professional and personal expectations.