Biloxi, Mississippi - Dental Demographics Maps

Biloxi, Mississippi - Dental Demographics Maps

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A Denali Demographic Study looks at the information in demographic reports like historical data, market saturation, growth drivers, and dental specific statistics, and interprets all these dental demographics to provide a viability ranking that other demographic reports typically don’t provide.

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Average Dental Expenditures

Biloxi, Mississippi - Average Dental Expenditures
Dental Services per HH (Avg by Census Tract)

 $342 to $427
 $299 to $342
 $240 to $299
 $163 to $240
 $113 to $163

Percentage of the Population Visiting a Dentist in the Last 12 Months

Biloxi, Mississippi - Percentage of the Population Visiting a Dentist in the Last 12 Months
Visited a Dentist in Past 12 Months

 32.67% to 37.01%
 29.37% to 32.67%
 26.93% to 29.37%
 22.54% to 26.93%
 19.10% to 22.54%

Percentage of the Population with a Bachelor's Degree

Biloxi, Mississippi - Percentage of the Population with a Bachelor
Education: Bach Deg by Census Tract

 37.12% to 47.89%
 29.66% to 37.12%
 22.82% to 29.66%
 13.91% to 22.82%
 5.92% to 13.91%

Lifestyle Behaviors – Household Entertainment/Recreation Average Expenditure

Biloxi, Mississippi - Lifestyle Behaviors – Household Entertainment/Recreation Average Expenditure
Ent/Recreation Per HH (Avg by Census Tract)

 $3,048 to $3,659
 $2,538 to $3,048
 $2,096 to $2,538
 $1,540 to $2,096
 $1,030 to $1,540

Projected Population Growth Rate

Biloxi, Mississippi - Projected Population Growth Rate
Projected Population Growth Per Year

 1.42% to 2.01%
 1.00% to 1.42%
 0.59% to 1.00%
 0.36% to 0.59%
 0.07% to 0.36%

Average Household Expenditure for Health Insurance

Biloxi, Mississippi - Average Household Expenditure for Health Insurance
Health Insurance Avg/HH by Census Tract

 $3,776 to $4,663
 $3,185 to $3,776
 $2,626 to $3,185
 $1,855 to $2,626
 $1,313 to $1,855

Home Ownership Rates

Biloxi, Mississippi - Home Ownership Rates
Owner Occupied Households by Census Tract

 64.98% to 73.30%
 53.45% to 64.98%
 39.04% to 53.45%
 11.17% to 39.04%
 4.63% to 11.17%

Median Household Income

Biloxi, Mississippi - Median Household Income
Median Household Income by Census Tract

 $58k to $76k
 $48k to $58k
 $35k to $48k
 $11k to $35k

Daily Average Traffic Count

Biloxi, Mississippi - Daily Average Traffic Count
Traffic Counts

 51k to 89k
 33k to 51k
 17k to 33k
 5k to 17k
 0k to 5k