Stockton, California - Dental Demographics - Population

Stockton, California - Dental Demographics - Population

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Stockton's current population is 70,014 people with 22,627 households within this smaller 2 mile radius. This area experienced positive population growth of 6.0% from 2010-2020. This area is projected to grow another 3.2% over the next five years. This is lower than the national average.

The median age of the population in this area is 32.4 which is below the state average of 36.6 years old. This area has an average household size of 2.95 persons. This area is somewhat family centric with 62.2% of the households being family households and with 39.0% having children in the home and 22.8% of the population being under 15 and an additional 15.2% being under 24. Another 28.3% of this area’s population is between 25 and 44 years of age and 20.3% between 45-64 years old leaving 13.4% of the population over 65 years old. These last two age groups are target age groups for dentures, partials, crowns, and other restorative work.
Stockton has a daytime employee population of 41,135 versus a permanent population of 70,014 meaning the daytime employee population is 58.8% of the permanent population living in the area and 47.0% of the total daytime population. Because the daytime employee population is a lower percentage of the daytime population, the employee population does not have as much influence on the overall residential population. A practice in this 2 mile radius could greatly benefit with early or late hours and weekend times. This is a significant daytime employee population that has a positive impact on the overall numbers.

In this area, 13.7% of the population either holds a bachelor's degree or higher educational degree. Stockton is lower than the state and US average.

The dominant racial and ethnic groups of the population in the Stockton area are White 39.4%, Black 8.0%, Native American 1.6%, Asian 10.9%, 32.3% other races and 60.8% Hispanic or Latino of any race.

Table #2 Significant Demographic Characteristics

Demographic Analysis for Stockton, California
Stockton, CaliforniaCaliforniaUnited States
Demographic CharacteristicStockton
Latitude / Longitude:37.957703, -121.290779
Radius2 miles3 miles
Population 202170,014150,82339,476,705333,934,112
2010 Total Population65,604141,15537,293,062309,121,785
2020 Total Population69,573149,90639,527,244332,502,844
Projected Total Population 202672,267156,24940,507,842345,887,495
     Population Change, 2010 - 20206.0%6.2%6.0%7.6%
     Annual Population Change Rate, 2021 - 20260.6%0.7%0.5%0.7%
Median Age32.430.936.638.8
Under 4 years old8.0%8.6%6.2%5.9%
5 - 9 years old7.6%8.2%6.3%6.1%
10 - 14 years old7.2%7.6%6.4%6.2%
15 - 24 years old15.2%15.4%13.3%12.8%
25 - 44 years old28.3%28.8%28.8%26.8%
     Number of Adults 25-4419,80043,36311,350,83389,400,051
45 - 64 years old20.3%19.4%23.9%25.0%
     Number of Adults 45-6414,21729,2549,440,04283,512,738
65 years and over13.4%12.1%15.1%17.3%
     Number of Adults 65 years and older9,39318,1805,978,42257,652,490
     0 - 14 years old22.8%24.4%18.9%18.2%
     Number of Children 0-14 years old15,96336,8757,467,34360,698,912
NOTE: All percentages are rounded. ESRI data pulled as of September 25, 2021. Data showing future dates are projections.
Highlighted fields signify favorable characteristics on a comparison basis with the other locations listed and/or national averages

Percentage of the Population with a Bachelor's Degree

Stockton, California - Percentage of the Population with a Bachelor
Education: Bach Deg by Census Tract

 30.48% to 55.62%
 22.19% to 30.48%
 13.73% to 22.19%
 6.19% to 13.73%
 0.53% to 6.19%

Projected Population Growth Rate

Stockton, California - Projected Population Growth Rate
Projected Population Growth Per Year

 1.00% to 1.39%
 0.76% to 1.00%
 0.58% to 0.76%
 0.13% to 0.58%